chromaStar 3d
chromaWorld 3d

Ignite Your

Experience the Fusion of Art and AI at Your Fingertips

The Pinnacle of AI Art:
Powered by Megapix Engine

Step into a world of creativity with Megapix. Our special Megapix Generative AI Engine turns your ideas into stunning visuals. Imagine a space where your thoughts become colorful digital masterpieces. That's the magic of Megapix!

Imagine this:

"The neon cyberpunk cityscape at dusk is ready for you to view."
"Futuristic digital art gallery in space."
"Post-apocalyptic city reclaimed by nature."
"Underwater city glowing with bioluminescent life."
"Steampunk workshop with flying machines."
"Virtual reality gaming arcade in 2080."
"Mystical forest with floating crystals."
"Cybernetic wildlife sanctuary."
"Rooftop garden in a dystopian world."
The neon cyberpunk cityscape at dusk is ready for you to view.
Futuristic digital art gallery in space.
Post-apocalyptic city reclaimed by nature.
Underwater city glowing with bioluminescent life.
Steampunk workshop with flying machines.
Virtual reality gaming arcade in 2080.
Mystical forest with floating crystals.
Cybernetic wildlife sanctuary.
Rooftop garden in a dystopian world.
chemical 3d network

Megapix Telegram Bot: Your AI Art Ally

Megapix Bot - in your chat turns your words and dreams into instant visuals. Just describe your idea, and Megapix Bot paints it for you. Easy to use and overflowing with inspiration, it's your key to effortless creativity.

Experience the magic of instant art, right in your messages. Every thought becomes an artistic masterpiece with MEGAPIX Bot. ✨

Telegram Command :


"Spaceship in the sky"


$MPIX Token Tiers
Unlock Your Creative Potential

Unlock distinct levels of creative expression with $MPIX Tokens. Each tier offers unique access to Megapix's AI-driven art capabilities:

A 3d arrow render

Explorer Tier

Free for all

  • Access the Advanced Engine
  • Ideal for first time user
  • A vibrant gateway to digital creativity
  • 5 Image Generations/Day
  • 5 Image Processing/Day
A 3d bolt render

Creator Tier

40,000+ $MPIX Tokens

  • Access the Advanced Engine
  • For creators desiring more depth and flexibility
  • Amplify your art with advanced AI features
  • 30 Image Generations/Day
  • 50 Image Processing/Day
A 3d brain render

Visionary Tier

200,000+ $MPIX Tokens

  • Experience the Elite Engine
  • The pinnacle tier for detail and quality enthusiasts
  • Push the boundaries of what's possible in digital art
  • 150 Image Generations/Day
  • 200 Image Processing/Day
holo abstract 3d
spiral metal 3d

$MPIX Tokenomics

Explore the backbone of Megapix with MPIX Tokenomics, designed for transparency and growth:


0 Tax

Freeze & Mint Revoked




Total Supply






Future CEX Listing


Contract Address : GEdBv...GTEBU

MPIX Tokenomics lays the foundation for a stable and flourishing digital art ecosystem within Megapix.


Megapix Telegram Bot

A gateway to AI-powered art creation, enabling users to transform ideas into digital masterpieces directly via Telegram.

Upload and Enhance Image

Introducing the ability to upload images for enhancement and artistic transformation by the Megapix Engine.

Web Version

Expanding Megapix's creative toolkit to the web, offering a comprehensive platform for art generation and sharing.

Pixelcraft Art Contest

Unleash your creativity with Pixelcraft Art Contest! 🎨🌟 Craft unique artworks based on themes, submit, and win from our prize pool.

NFT Collection Generator

Facilitating the creation and minting of NFT collections, empowering artists to explore new avenues for showcasing and monetizing their work.

Coming Soon

NFT Marketplace

Launching a marketplace for buying, selling, and trading NFTs, fostering a vibrant community of artists and collectors.

Coming Soon


Expanding beyond Solana to support multiple blockchains, enhancing accessibility and engagement in the decentralized space.

Coming Soon

Discover the Future of Art with Megapix

Explore Megapix, your creative playground! From the first AI-crafted image in Explorer to unmatched creations in Visionary, it's your digital canvas. Where imagination meets innovation, turning every idea into a masterpiece.
Join the artistic wave with Megapix where every pixel tells your Story.

Megapix © 2024 . All rights reserved.